HallinSight® 3D-Hall Magnetic Field Camera
HallinSight® vectorial magnetic field imaging technology, a true off-the-shelf 3D-Hall Magnetic Field Camera.
Making the invisible visible with true three-axisThe magnetic field is a three-dimensional vector quantity. A single Hall element only measures one component. A three-axis Hall instrument has... More magnetic field cameras, HallinSight® systems map dynamic magnetic fields in real time. Arrays of 32×32, 16×16, or 32×2 3-axis Hall sensors measure from several μT up to a few T at rates of 25, 100, and 250 Hz, respectively. See the video below for a demonstration.
HallinSight® is a technology developed by Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits.
Maps all three axes of magnetic field in real time
StandardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More calibrationDuring calibration, the instrument reading is compared to one or more references to verify its accuracy. The references themselves need... More up to 15 mT
Characterization of dynamic magnetic fields
Measurement ranges 100, 400, 800, 2'000 mT
Unique Vectorial Measurement
The HallinSight® vectorial magnetic field imaging technology enables measuring all three axes of magnetic fields in real-time.
The 3-axis Hall sensors resolve the magnetic field vector with a 4 μT resolutionResolution measures the ability of a magnetometer to distinguish ("resolve") two nearly identical field values. Related to precision, but not to... More at a rate of up to 1 kHz. This Hall magnetic field camera characterizes static or dynamic magnetic fields.
The HallinSight® technology flexibility makes it possible to measure magnetic fields along a line or in a plane.
Versatile and adaptive technology
Sensor arrays in a robust machined aluminum casing:
– 32 X 32 sensor array, 80 X 80 mm
– 16 X 16 sensor array, 40 X 40 mm
Linear sensor array as an OEM componentThe magnetic field is a three-dimensional vector quantity, with three components. Magnetometers may measure 1, 2 or 3 components, or the vector magnitude. More:
– 32 X 2 linear sensor array, 80 X 2.5 mm
Industrial or research applications
Static fields
– Characterization of magnet and magnet assemblies
Dynamic fields
– Visualization of AC fields
– QC of electrical motors
– Detection of leakage currents
Technical Specifications
– Measurement on a 2.5 mm grid
– Lateral geometric position error < 50 μm
– Vertical geometric position error < 10 μm
– Orthogonality error < 0.1°
– ResolutionResolution measures the ability of a magnetometer to distinguish ("resolve") two nearly identical field values. Related to precision, but not to... More 4 μT
– includes 4 measurement ranges ± 100 mT, ± 400 mT, ± 800 mT, ± 2’000 mT
– Measurement rate up to 250 Hz
Standard features
– LabVIEW software for visualization, analysis, and recording
– Plots: vector, surface, contour, sections
– Point measurements: angles, min/max, gradients
– Communication per USB with ASCII protocol
A solution for you
HallinSight® Hall Magnetic Field Cameras offer an off-the-shelf solution for mapping static magnetic fields such as permanent magnets or dynamic magnetic fields such as motors. We are eager to hear about your requirements – please contact us!
Other Hall products and Magnetic Field Cameras

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