Metrolab is the global market leader for precision magnetometers
Metrolab builds instruments to measure strong magnetic fields with Swiss precision. Established in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1985, we have won the trust of all the large physics laboratories and all leading players in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, across the world.
Our top priority is to provide solutions to help you effectively measure magnetic fields. To design our products, we rely on 37 years of expertise in measurement technologies and applications. To deliver quality products, we combine the reliability of industrial manufacturing with the responsiveness of a service company.

A global presence

R&D at the heart of Metrolab
Metrolab invests 18% of sales and 41% of labor hours* in R&D, twice the usual rate for a mature technology company. Metrolab’s engineers carry out applied R&D to bring the insights of basic research into real-world practice. They stay abreast of new technologies through collaborative projects with universities, research institutes, and other companies throughout the world.
*2015 to 2018 numbers
Of labour hours
Of revenus
Metrolab masters four technologies to measure magnetic fields
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR. If you need to measure a strong static magnetic field precisely, this is the most precise technology available. Here are some of the main applications for our magnetometers:
High-quality MRI images require a strong and extremely homogeneous magnetic field in the target area. MRI manufacturers shim their magnets to compensate for field inhomogeneities. A precise NMR magnetometer can acquire an accurate field map crucial to compute the exact compensation required.
Ultra-high-precision instruments are perfect for measuring the B0 fields in superconducting magnets. They are suitable for simple checks during ramping or sophisticated long-term stability studies during decay monitoring.
An NMR magnetometer is the absolute reference to calibrate a magnetometer using another technology.
Real-time monitoring of beam bending accelerator magnets is an application of choice for an NMR magnetometer. It provides an absolute and perfectly stable reference point.
Three-axis Hall effect
The acquisition is nearly instantaneous; it measures both positive and negative field components for all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true magnetic field reading no matter how you hold the probeThe actual sensor that is placed in the magnetic field. The NMR probe contains the NMR sample; the Hall probe....
A handheld three-axisThe magnetic field is a three-dimensional vector quantity. A single Hall element only measures one component. A three-axis Hall instrument has... Hall magnetometerAn instrument to measure magnetic flux density (B) or magnetic field intensity (H).... allows mappingThe process of measuring magnetic field intensity at many different points, in order to understand the structure of the field... fringe fields quickly and conveniently.
Three-axis Fluxgate
Like Hall effect magnetometers, but for weaker magnetic fields. The acquisition is nearly instantaneous; it measures both positive and negative field components for all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true magnetic field reading no matter how you hold the probe. Outstanding noise characteristics make fluxgate magnetometers the instrument of choice for measuring minute disturbances in the local magnetic field, for example, due to an iron mass or AC power-line noise.
The presence of steel structures in the building can distort the field contours around the MRI magnet, and the MRI suite should be mapped before the magnet's installation.
Fluxmeter, Fast Digital Integrator, to measure or map complicated fields
For mapping and measuring the harmonic content of accelerator magnets, the Fast Digital Integrator is used with a rotating-coil or stretched-wire system.
Our products

PT2026 NMR Precision Teslameter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is the most precise technology to measure magnetic fields, and the PT2026 is the most precise NMR magnetometer on the market. It measures magnetic fields from 38mT to >30T at a precision of 10 ppb.
The PT2026's astounding precision is due to a pulsed-wave NMR detector and advanced signal processing. It allows measuring subtle effects such as the decay of the current in a superconducting magnet.

MFC2046 Magnetic Field Camera
MRI and NMR spectroscopy applications require a highly uniform magnetic field, within at most a few ppm. NMR is the only magnetic measurement technique capable of providing a field map with that degree of precision.
Metrolab's NMR Magnetic Field Cameras reduce acquisition times from hours to minutes, positioning errors to fractions of a millimeter, and they rendered human and drift errors negligible.

FDI2056 Fast Digital Integrator
The first off-the-shelf instrument to quantify magnetic field transients
The Fast Digital Integrator FDI2056 is the world's fastest and most sensitive voltage integrator. Plug in a sense coil and measure fast, low-level magnetic field disturbances such as eddy currents in a switched magnet.

THM1176 Hall Magnetometer
The THM1176 family combines the performance of a professional magnetometer with the usability of a consumer USB device. Its range goes from the µT to 14 T, DC to 1 kHz, with ±1% accuracy. It simultaneously measures all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true field strength reading no matter how you hold the probe. The entire instrument is reduced to a cable with a few fat spots, which can plug directly into a PC or a battery-powered handheld computer.
The result is the most compact, lightweight, low-power, go-anywhere, and measure-anything magnetometer in the world.
We provide software, EZMag3D, for the Metrolab Three-axis Magnetometers family.

TFM1186 Fluxgate Magnetometer
A compact fluxgate magnetometer with outstanding sensitivity

HMC9076 Hall Magnetic Camera
Metrolab introduced the 3-axis, multipoint Hall magnetic field mapper in 2017.
The primary benefits of our Hall Magnetic Cameras are:
Multiple measurement points, allowing AC as well as DC measurements.
- 3-axis Hall sensors, allowing direct measurement of complete field vectors.
- A USB interface, providing a one-cable solution for power and communication.
- Semi-custom solution

MagVector™ MV2 Magnetometer
The MagVector™ MV2 is the ideal solution if you need to integrate a sophisticated magnetometer into your electronic system. Metrolab uses the same sensor in several of its products and is making this technology available to electronic systems designers.

PM1055 Permanent magnets.
A reference magnet in the palm of your hand
Metrolab's permanent dipole magnets are serious scientific instruments in a deceptively small and elegant package. Available in fields from 0.01 to 0.5 T, they are remarkably compact, weighing just around a kg and measuring 80 mm in diameter and 39 mm (0.01 - 0.27 T) or 55 mm (0.5 T) high.
Calibration may not be a technology per se, but it is knowhow we have developed over the years and key to our instruments' success! We are in the process of ISO17025 accreditation to serve your needs.
We deliver our technology for your application using your language
Serving the needs of thousands of customers since 1985, we address industrial and scientific applications leveraging a growing technology knowhow. We deliver high quality products through continuous improvement in manufacturing and production.