FDI2056 Fast Digital Integrator
The first off-the-shelf instrument to quantify magnetic field transients
The Fast Digital IntegratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More FDI2056 is the world’s fastest and most sensitive voltage integratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More. Simply plug in a sense coil and measure fast, low-level magnetic field disturbances such as eddy currents in a switched magnet.
Equipped with a high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), high-resolution clock, and highly optimized digital integratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More, the FDI2056 boasts a maximum of 500 000 partial integrals per second and provides resolutions down to 10-14 Vs with an accuracyAccuracy is how close a measure conforms to reality. Even if our NMR Teslameter displays 9 digits, we claim 5... More of 10 ppmParts per million, or 10-6. Bigger than a ppb, but still pretty darn small. More.
Measurement of a rapidly varying field
Flip-coils to measure the field at a point
B/HFerromagnetic materials are characterized by measuring their hysteresis loop, or B/H loop. H is the applied field, and B is... More hysteresis loopThe characteristic of ferromagnetic materials that they remain magnetized when the external field is removed. See also B/H loop. More measurement
Moving-wire system for linear maps
Rotating coilA fluxmeter mapping technique commonly used for accelerator magnets. Generates a radial map of the integrated field seen by the particle beam.... More system for angular maps
The FDI2056 is based on two decades of experience building the world’s accepted standardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More for precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More integrators, the PDI5025. Starting from a design licensed from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the FDI2056 adds major enhancements, such as: improved time resolutionResolution measures the ability of a magnetometer to distinguish ("resolve") two nearly identical field values. Related to precision, but not to... More and trigger rate; synchronized acquisition on multiple channels; a hardware-optimized digital integratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More; and a large on-board buffer.
500 times faster than the previous state-of-the-art solution
Equipped with a high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), high-resolution clock, and highly optimized digital integratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More, the FDI2056 boasts a maximum of 500 000 partial integrals per second. In short, it is 500 times faster than the Metrolab PDI5025, the previous state-of-the art solution!
This performance level allows measuring with fast rotating coils and capturing rapid transient signals, such as eddy currents and decayFor superconducting magnets, decay refers to the infinitesimally small and slow loss of current and corresponding decrease in magnetic field.... More & snapback.
Unrivalled resolution and accuracy
The combination of the FDI2056’s Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) with its high-resolution ADC bring the instrument resolutionResolution measures the ability of a magnetometer to distinguish ("resolve") two nearly identical field values. Related to precision, but not to... More down to an astounding 10-14Vs. The low-noise and high-stability digitizer, high-precision clock, self-calibration, and automatic driftThe gradual loss of an instrument's accuracy. NMR teslameters drift because their time base drifts; this can be easily checked and... More compensation combine to guarantee an accuracyAccuracy is how close a measure conforms to reality. Even if our NMR Teslameter displays 9 digits, we claim 5... More of 10 ppmParts per million, or 10-6. Bigger than a ppb, but still pretty darn small. More.
Metrolab’s FDI2056 enables physicists to capture low-level disturbances or check the integrated field of an undulator magnet quickly and accurately. The precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More of the FDI2056 is only surpassed by NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More techniques.
Sophisticated trigger support
With the FDI2056, fluxThe magnetic flux density, B, integrated over an area. The voltage induced in a coil is proportional to the flux... More measurements can be precisely triggered with a vast possibility of trigger sources. The FDI2056 “trigger factory“ allows triggering fluxThe magnetic flux density, B, integrated over an area. The voltage induced in a coil is proportional to the flux... More measurements with an external signal, internal timer, position encoderIn this context, refers to a device that measures linear or angular position. Usually used with moving- or rotating-coil systems,... More, or software command. All commonly used linear or rotating encoders are directly supported. Sophisticated trigger programming allows prescaling, counting, and combining sources.
The instrument eliminates electronics for trigger logic and synchronizes triggers on all channels.
Communication interfaces: industry-standard or PDI5025-compatible
The FDI2056 can be configured to use an Ethernet or an RS-232 interface to connect to the host computer. The Ethernet interface uses the industry-standard VXI-11 and SCPI protocols, and is therefore compliant with the standards used by most major instrument suppliers. Using this interface, the full functionality is easily accessible using a standardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) library.
The RS-232 interface provides a command set compatible with the PDI5025, providing backwards compatibility with the PDI5025 to avoid rewriting your software.
Software: do you like it standard, customized or embedded?
Users can either get started immediately, using the standardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More FDI2056 software for Windows or Mac, or integrate the FDI2056 into a data-acquisition system using Metrolab’s FDI2056 API. Unless they’d like to shrink system size by eliminating the need for a separate computer.
The FDI5026 includes a LabVIEW application to handle common data acquisition, correction, analysis and recording tasks. For special requirements, custom programming is easy, with full documentation, an Application Programming Interface (API), and source code. For industrial environments, the software can be hosted on the instrument’s industrial computer, eliminating the need for a host computer.
Ready for the future
The FDI2056 is designed with future enhancements in mind, and is upgradable on all levels – hardware, firmware and software. Users can download upgrades from the Metrolab web site and install them in the field.
Your long-term investment is protected as you benefit form the latest improvement. Just what you need to adapt to new research challenges!
Product accessories

FDI Channel Card
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