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Products PT2026 NMR Precision Teslameter Model 1526 NMR Pulsed-Wave Probes

Model 1526 NMR Pulsed-Wave Probes

PT2026 accessory

Model 1526 NMR Pulsed-Wave Probes


Designed for the PT2026 NMR Precision Teslameter, the Model 1526 probes provide unprecedented precision using the Pulsed-Wave detection principle. This probe is composed of the amplification electronics and the remote measurement head designed to fit into small gaps.

Remote active head

The active components of the remote measurement head enable a down-conversion, pre-amplification and impedance adaptation of the NMR signal before transferring it to the amplification electronics. This treatment of the NMR signal, at the point of acquisition, dramatically improves the signal-to-noise ratio compared to the Model 1426 probes. It enables the lossless signal transport over greater distances (up to 10 m) to the amplification electronics. The standard length of the remote-head cable is 1.50 m, custom lengths are available upon request.

A single connector for the RF and other signals makes it easy to plug and unplug the probe to the PT2026 or the probe multiplexer MUX6026.

Extended range

Six standard probes cover a range from the tens of milli-Teslas to the tens of Teslas. The range minimum and maximum values in the following table are guaranteed values; each probe is individually programmed with its actual usable range.


Model designation Range Minimum (T) Range Maximum (T) Sample diameter, material
1526-0.038-0.14 0.038 0.14 7.45 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber
1526-0.13-0.48 0.13 0.48 4.0 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber
1526-0.46-1.50 0.46 1.5

2.9 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber

1526-0.65-2.4 0.65 2.4

2.9 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber

1526-0.90-3.2 0.90 3.2

2.9 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber

1526-1.40-4.80 1.4 4.8 2.9 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber
1526-4.35-11.70 4.35 11.7 1.8 mm, Hydrogen / natural rubber
1526-9.5-32 9.5 32.0 3.6 mm, Deuterium / heavy water
1526-0.1-3 0.094 3.05 7.5 mm, Hydrogen / synthetic rubber (uniform fields only)

Note that model 1526-0.1-3 is a specialty probe, suitable only for applications where a highly uniform field can be guaranteed, such as calibration magnets.

Custom ranges are available upon request.

You can also add a 3-axis Hall probe to dramatically speed-up the search for the NMR resonance frequency, and provide a rough measurement until the NMR signal can be found.

The “Metrolab standard” copper tube provides a form factor exactly compatible with the PT2026 model 1326 and 1426 probes. The dimensions are as shown in the figure below (click to enlarge):

The dimensions of the measurement head are as shown in the figure below. The thickness of the measurement head depends on the size of the sample, contact Metrolab for details:

The standard probe cable length is 10 m. Custom lengths, up to 100 m, are available upon request. Alternatively, all probes can be used with a model 3026 extension cable.


Other PT2026 accessories

Model 1326 NMR Pulsed-Wave Probes

Model 1426 NMR Pulsed-Wave Probes

NMR probe multiplexer MUX6026

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