MFC9046 NMR Probe Array
MFC2046 accessory
Map any MRI magnet
The MFC9046 NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More Probe ArrayFor Metrolab's Magnetic Field Camera, the probe array is a semi-circular plate holding up to 32 NMR probes. More is designed for MRI applications: whole-body, extremity or small-animal.
Each Probe ArrayFor Metrolab's Magnetic Field Camera, the probe array is a semi-circular plate holding up to 32 NMR probes. More is specifically tailored to your magnet and requires specifying the number of probes, the geometry, and the field strength. Metrolab has developed a number of standard configurations; custom configurations entail a supplemental engineering and tooling charge.
As of today, we have manufactured probeThe actual sensor that is placed in the magnetic field. The NMR probe contains the NMR sample; the Hall probe... More arrays from 160 mm to 600 mm in diameter! Do not hesitate to contact us if you need another dimension!
Smaller probes and wide-range probe
Typical arrays contain 24 or 32 probes arranged in a semi-circular pattern. However, the MFC9046 Probe ArrayFor Metrolab's Magnetic Field Camera, the probe array is a semi-circular plate holding up to 32 NMR probes. More boasts a theoretical limit of 255 probes, and these can be arranged in almost any geometry. One of the probes can be a wide-range probeThe actual sensor that is placed in the magnetic field. The NMR probe contains the NMR sample; the Hall probe... More, allowing the Probe ArrayFor Metrolab's Magnetic Field Camera, the probe array is a semi-circular plate holding up to 32 NMR probes. More to precisely track the field over a wide field rangeThe range of a probe is defined by the minimum and maximum field strength it can measure. On an instrument,... More, for example during field rampingThe process of injecting current to bring the field up to the operational field. Used particularly for superconducting magnets. More.
Position accuracy
The NMR probes are precision-mounted on a lightweight and perfectly flat composite base plate. The positioning accuracy of each probeThe actual sensor that is placed in the magnetic field. The NMR probe contains the NMR sample; the Hall probe... More, relative to the mounting points, is ±0.3 mm.
The MFC9046 NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More Probe ArrayFor Metrolab's Magnetic Field Camera, the probe array is a semi-circular plate holding up to 32 NMR probes. More is completed by a shielded cover and a 4 m long cable, with an industrial-strength HARTING multi-pole connector to connect the ProbeThe actual sensor that is placed in the magnetic field. The NMR probe contains the NMR sample; the Hall probe... More Array to the Field Camera Adapter FCA7046.
A simple normalization procedure is required to minimize probe-to-probe variations due to magnetic susceptibility effects. This normalization is performed by Metrolab. Contact us for more details.
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