Download the new THM1176 and TFM1186 software EZMag3D free of charge!
We have been working hard on all-new software for the Metrolab Three-axis Magnetometers. We are now making it available to all existing users.

EZMag3D at no cost
EZMag3D’s modern user interface streamlines operations with four different modes: “Meter”, “Spectrum”, “AC Analysis” and “Mapping”, each with its own displays and default parameters. We have incorporated many other customer requests: resizable window, graphic overlays, easy RMS measurements, no more timeout errors… the list goes on.
Windows, Mac and now Linux
In addition to the platforms supported by the current THM1176 software, Windows and Mac, EZMag3D also supports Linux systems. Its responsive user-interface design also makes it suitable for small-screen devices like tablets. EZMag3D does not, however, support the outdated Windows Mobile platform used in the SoMo PDA, formerly part of the THM1176 Handheld Kit.
Not only for the THM/TFM family
The software is called EZMag3D because the User Interface is not specific to the THM/TFM family. EZMag3D uses a plugin architecture, with plugin drivers for the magnetometer, the mapping robot, and the trigger system. The software is written in C++ and Qt and is being released as Open Source. As before, those who want to write their own software have access to a complete, well-documented Application Programming Interface.