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Meet us at ISMRM in Montréal

Meet us at ISMRM in Montréal

  Jacques Tinembart and Antoine Daridon will be attending ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. We’re looking forward to meeting you on the booth of our US-based distributor GMW (booth 603) and introduce our most recent developments such as the NMR Magnetic...
Metrolab in the hometown of Lego®!

Metrolab in the hometown of Lego®!

Metrolab is in the hometown of Lego® During UK Magnetic Society’s Magnetic Measurement and Sensors meeting in Billund, DK, attend Philip Keller’s presentation and have a chat with your inner child. Philip will present a novel field mapper where the mechanical...
Metrolab webinar: PT2026 introduction

Metrolab webinar: PT2026 introduction

Update January 2016: The webinar has now been withdrawn from the Physics World web site. Please contact us if you are interested in this topic. On September 17, 2014, Metrolab gave a webinar on NMR magnetometers, including the introduction of the all-new PT2026. This...
PACMAN swallows Metrolab

PACMAN swallows Metrolab

Everyone knows Pac-Man, that omnivorous yellow blob. But wait! The acronymologists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have come up with another interpretation: PACMAN now stands for “Particle Accelerator Components’ Metrology and Alignment...