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Distribution agreement with Fraunhofer IIS

15.09.2021 | Metronews, Newsletter

Metrolab and Fraunhofer IIS sign a distribution agreement for HallinSight® technology.

Metrolab is delighted to announce an agreement to distribute magnetic field mapping systems based on the HallinSight®  technology developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS.


HallinSight® 32X32 sensor array


The HallinSight® vectorial magnetic field imaging technology makes the invisible visible by measuring all three axes of magnetic fields in real time. HallinSight® Hall Magnetic Field Cameras, proven in industrial applications for several years, offer solutions for mapping either static magnetic fields such as permanent magnets, or dynamic magnetic fields such as motors.


HallinSight® 16X16 sensor array


HallinSight® models with 32×32, 16×16, or 32×2 3-axis Hall-sensor arrays can measure the magnetic field in a plane at rates of 25, 100, and 250 Hz, respectively, with 2.5 mm spatial resolution and up to 4 μT magnetic resolution.


HallinSight® 32X2 sensor array


Find out more about HallinSight®

We are eager to hear about your requirements – please contact us!

HallinSight®, a technology developped by Fraunhofer IIS.

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