
Making it possible for scientists to focus on the impossible
Leveraging three decades of experience in leading laboratories throughout the world, we enable scientists to focus on the essence of their research. Our customers benefit not only from our industrial quality products, but also from our know-how in the areas of high precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More and high field magnetic measurement and mappingThe process of measuring magnetic field intensity at many different points, in order to understand the structure of the field... More.
Leveraging these two decades of experience in leading laboratories throughout the world, we enable scientists to focus on the essence of their research. Our customers benefit not only from our industrial quality products, but also from our know-how in the areas of high precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More and high field magnetic measurement and mappingThe process of measuring magnetic field intensity at many different points, in order to understand the structure of the field... More.
Precision fluxmeters and Hall instruments for complex fields
A digital integratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More completes Metrolab’s rangeThe range of a probe is defined by the minimum and maximum field strength it can measure. On an instrument,... More of precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More magnetometers, for precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More measurements of inhomogeneous or rapidly varying fields. Finally, Metrolab’s Hall magnetometers provide simultaneous readings of all three components of the magnetic field, thus eliminating errors due to incorrect angular positioning.
Tap into thirty years of experience
Metrolab can supply standardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More equipment, customized equipment, consulting or simply advice. If we don’t have what you need, we probably know where to find it. Allow us to think along as you design your next experiment.
The ultimate high-precision magnetometer
Metrolab’s NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More magnetometers boast an absolute precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More of 5 parts per million (ppmParts per million, or 10-6. Bigger than a ppb, but still pretty darn small. More), measurement resolutionResolution measures the ability of a magnetometer to distinguish ("resolve") two nearly identical field values. Related to precision, but not to... More of under 10 parts per billion (ppbParts per billion, or 10-9. 1 ppb is 10-7 % - not very much at all! More), and driftThe gradual loss of an instrument's accuracy. NMR teslameters drift because their time base drifts; this can be easily checked and... More of well under 5 ppbParts per billion, or 10-9. 1 ppb is 10-7 % - not very much at all! More per day. StandardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More, robust proton probes measure up to over twenty TeslaThe SI unit for magnetic flux density (B). More. An extremely flexible architecture permits this rangeThe range of a probe is defined by the minimum and maximum field strength it can measure. On an instrument,... More to be extended towards lower field strengths using probes with ESRElectron Spin Resonance. Effect similar to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, except we're manipulating the spin of the electron rather than the... More (Electron SpinElectrons and protons have spin; in other words, they act as if they were spinning on their axis. This means... More Resonance) samples, and to higher field strengths using, for example, deuterium samples. We can readily produce custom probes to suit the particular needs of your apparatus and experiment.
A powerful microcontroller and digital signal processor (DSP) provide a rich set of built-in analysis and controlAn NMR-controlled field is one whose strength is monitored by NMR. As opposed to NMR-regulated. More features, and an attractive software interface with on-line help makes them accessible to any physicist, engineer or technician. The Ethernet and USB computer interfaces use the standardA standard is the internationally agreed-upon physical representation of a unit. For example, a caesium clock is the standard for... More protocols established by industry giants as Tektronix, Agilent and National Instruments.