AcceleratorParticle accelerators were developed by physicists to study the elementary nature of matter. Nowadays, they are usually immense, highly international... More Operators

Prior to installation: mapping by NMR
Each magnet must usually be mapped prior to installation. As with an optical system, the precise characterization of each element is critical to achieving the specified beam performance. For magnets with relatively homogeneousA magnetic field with no or only a very small gradient. NMR teslameters can only be used in fields that... More fields, the precisionPrecision is how closely multiple measurements will be clustered. Also called reproducibility or repeatability. In everyday speech, often confused with... More, long-term stability and industrial robustness of Metrolab NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More magnetometers are unequalled by any other magnetometerAn instrument to measure magnetic flux density (B) or magnetic field intensity (H). More.
Science – Accelerator Operators
MappingThe process of measuring magnetic field intensity at many different points, in order to understand the structure of the field... More magnets prior to installation, calibrating reference magnets for a variety of measurement techniques, real-time controlAn NMR-controlled field is one whose strength is monitored by NMR. As opposed to NMR-regulated. More of beam bending magnets, integrating voltage measurement to compute a fluxThe magnetic flux density, B, integrated over an area. The voltage induced in a coil is proportional to the flux... More: Metrolab systems support accelerators operator in their daily and most advanced tasks.
NMR calibration of other mappers
For magnets with complex fields, such as quadrupoles and wigglers, the measurements are performed using a variety of other techniques: Hall devices, rotating coils, moving coils, moving wires, vibrating wires, pulsed wires, etc. All these techniques have one thing in common: they all need to be calibrated in a reference magnetA magnet used for calibrating a magnetometer. Reference magnets are often controlled or even regulated by an NMR teslameter. More controlled by an NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More teslameterSee magnetometer. More. Again, a Metrolab NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More magnetometer is the instrument of choice.
Digitizers for fluxmeter mappers
FluxmeterAn instrument that measures flux changes by integrating the voltage induced on a coil. More mappingThe process of measuring magnetic field intensity at many different points, in order to understand the structure of the field... More systems require an integratorThe part of a fluxmeter that integrates the voltage More to compute a fluxThe magnetic flux density, B, integrated over an area. The voltage induced in a coil is proportional to the flux... More from a series of voltage measurements. Metrolab integrators are the ultimate in speed, resolutionResolution measures the ability of a magnetometer to distinguish ("resolve") two nearly identical field values. Related to precision, but not to... More and accuracyAccuracy is how close a measure conforms to reality. Even if our NMR Teslameter displays 9 digits, we claim 5... More. Multiple channels, programmable gain, a flexible trigger system, and a built-in encoderIn this context, refers to a device that measures linear or angular position. Usually used with moving- or rotating-coil systems,... More interface provide our customers with the flexibility they require.
After installation: beam tuning made reproducible
Real-time controlAn NMR-controlled field is one whose strength is monitored by NMR. As opposed to NMR-regulated. More of the main bending magnets with an NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More magnetometer minimizes tedious and expensive beam tuningNMR teslameter probes usually have a capacitor placed in parallel with the RF coil, forming an LC resonator that increases... More. Since NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More provides an absolute and perfectly stable reference, operators can simply “set and forget” the magnet power supplies.
Built for physicists, by physicists
Space is at a premium in the beamline or reference magnetA magnet used for calibrating a magnetometer. Reference magnets are often controlled or even regulated by an NMR teslameter. More, so Metrolab has developed a rangeThe range of a probe is defined by the minimum and maximum field strength it can measure. On an instrument,... More of miniature probes and gradientIn this context, gradient refers to the spatial variation of the magnetic field. More compensation coils that allow probes to be squeezed into almost any installation. Decades of testing and use in these high-radiation environments allow us to build radiation-hard probes and advise you how to get years – or decades – of trouble-fee use in hard-to-reach placements.
Multiplexers and probeThe actual sensor that is placed in the magnetic field. The NMR probe contains the NMR sample; the Hall probe... More cables up to 100m long allow a single magnetometer to controlAn NMR-controlled field is one whose strength is monitored by NMR. As opposed to NMR-regulated. More hundreds of probes, and multiple computer interfaces allow the magnetometerAn instrument to measure magnetic flux density (B) or magnetic field intensity (H). More system to be easily integrated with the beam controlAn NMR-controlled field is one whose strength is monitored by NMR. As opposed to NMR-regulated. More software. Complete configurability allows NMRNuclear Magnetic Resonance. A resonance phenomenon seen when you irradiate a sample in a magnetic field with an RF field.... More to be effectively used even in challenging applications, such as rapid field ramps.