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MFCTool Software 10.3.3 release

28.06.2022 | MFC2046, MRI, NMR-ESR


New release of the MFCTool software 10.3.3!


One unique software interface for both Magnetic Field Cameras


MFC2046 and legacy MFC3045.


MFCTool V10.3.x has  the ability to operate both the most recent generation of Magnetic Field Cameras, the MFC2046 and legacy Magnetic Field Camera, the MFC3045.

 June 2022, MFCTool V10.3.3 release note

  • 1) New features

    – Check if a new firmware version is available for the main unit.

    – During mapping operations, possibility to reccord position with warnings.


    2) Updates

    – Qt version upgraded to 5.15.2 (MSVC2019 64bit)

    – Update MFC3045 driver to improve measurement speed

    – Update PT2026 driver

    – Remove pre-extension “.mxr” in the legacy dam file name. Instead of “XXX.mxr.dam”, legacy file is saved as “XXX.dam”.


    3) Major bugs fix

    – Qt5.15 has resolved Microsoft screen display bugs.


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