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Recording of Magnetics 2021 available!

24.01.2021 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI

MAGNETICS 2021 is a leading global event focused on the latest economic developments and technical advancements in magnetics markets and technologies, bringing together worldwide magnetics experts. 

On January 20th, 2021, Philip Keller’s presentation was recorded and is now available on Metrolab’s Youtube channel: Precision Measurement of Time-Varying Fields.

Commercial magnetometers are generally designed to measure stable magnetic fields. The measurement and analysis of time-varying fields have been an afterthought, even though they are central in many commercial applications, such as electric machines and environmental measurements. This session will review recent progress in this area, mostly in the analysis software realm, and some of the challenges. 

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments!

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