от Antoine Daridon | Авг 14, 2019 | Metronews, MFC2046, Newsletter, NMR-ESR, Science, Technology
Dr. Maria Silva Elipe is the first to set-up a 400 MHz NMR spectrometer in a chemistry lab to study the kinetics of drug candidates synthesis
от Antoine Daridon | Июн 23, 2019 | Metronews, MRI, Newsletter, THM1176
Overview of MR Interactions and Standard Test Methods for implants, instruments and accessories to be used in the MRI environment
от Antoine Daridon | Июн 17, 2019 | Hall, Metronews, MRI, MV2, Newsletter
3D mapping of a 3T MRI magnet using MagVector(TM) on a Lego(R). 3D chip Hall magnetometer array. an Interview with Joris Pascal.
от Antoine Daridon | Май 8, 2019 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI
Introduced to the market 20 years ago, the Magnetic Field Camera MFC3045 is retiring and is replaced by the NMR Magnetometer based MFC2046
от Antoine Daridon | Мар 22, 2019 | Metrology, Metronews, MFC2046, MRI, NMR-ESR
The MFC2046 Magnetic Field Camera is built on the superior sensitivity of the NMR magnetometer PT2026. It comes with a choice of two probe-array geometries.