от Antoine Daridon | Апр 30, 2020 | Non classé
Metrolab is proud to work with Beijing HUahe Technology Co., Ltd to represent us in China for all our products and services
от Antoine Daridon | Фев 24, 2020 | Metronews , MFC2046 , MRI
Lionel Quettier, from CEA7IRFU, discusses the development of the large whole-body 11.7 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) magnet, known as ‘Iseult'
от Antoine Daridon | Дек 2, 2019 | Metronews , Newsletter
Metrolab is attending conferences related to magnetic field measurement across the world in 2020, Magnetics, ISMRM, Intermag, IPAC, CWIEME...
от Antoine Daridon | Ноя 27, 2019 | Metronews , MFC2046 , MRI , Newsletter , PT2026
Dr. Wachowicz highlights some of the challenges you face when you integrate a linac inside an MRI and the complexity of keeping a homogeneous magnetic field