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MFCTool Software release

6.10.2020 | MFC2046, MRI, NMR-ESR

New release of the MFCTool software 10.3.1!


One unique software interface for both Magnetic Field Cameras


MFC2046 and legacy MFC3045.


We are releasing our new software! Obviously, bugs have been fixed, but the most significant feature of this release if the ability to operate both the most recent generation of Magnetic Field Cameras, the MFC2046 and legacy Magnetic Field Camera, the MFC3045.

MFCTool software v.10.3.1

October 2020


  • The MFCTool v. 10.3.1 is used to map magnetic fields with the Magnetic Field Camera MFC2046 and the legacy MFC3045.
  • The MFC2046 system contains an NMR Precision Teslameter PT2026, which can also be used for single-point measurements – even with an MFC9046 or MFC9146 Probe Array; in this case, the Probe Array is seen as a multiplexer with individual probes. To perform single-point measurements with your PT2026, please download and install the PT2026 software. MFCTool and the PT2026 software can both be installed on the same computer.
  • For a detailed installation procedure, see Section 2-2 of the MFCTool User’s Manual.


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