November 15, 2019
Introducing the Model 1526 Probe, a Pulsed-Wave NMR Probe for our PT2026 Precision Teslameter
We are delighted to announce the Model 1526, our new NMR Probe which features:
- A small form factor remote active head
- Ultra-high precision < 10ppb at 3T
- Full PT 2026 range of 38mT-30T
- Tolerance to field gradients > 1350 ppm/cm
- Fast measurement up to 33 Hz
Working in conjunction with our PT2026 NMR 정밀 테슬라미터, the Model 1526 is designed to replace the Model 1426 in cases where a small probe is required.
Of course, your current Model 1426 remains invaluable in applications where a passive head is needed.