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Magnetics 2022

1.02.2022 | Metronews, Newsletter

Metrolab Technology SA is attending Magnetics 22 on February 8th and 9th in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Antoine Daridon will present an “Overview of Magnetic Field Mapping Systems” during Magnetics- Motor & Drive Systems 2022 in Orlando, Feb. 8-9th.

Mapping the field around a (macroscopic) magnetic system is a common problem, and many different solutions exist. They range from simple do-it-yourself setups, sophisticated open-source projects, to extremely sophisticated commercial systems designed for production-line applications. This talk will provide an overview of the different options, compare their costs and capabilities, and explore some recent developments.
Meet us in person at the GMW Associates booth 103.

Metrolab related products: HallinSight® 3D-Hall Magnetic Field Camera, HMC9076 ホール マグネティック フィールドカメラ, MagVector™ MV2

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