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SPC “Doza” to distribute Metrolab products in Russia, CIS countries and Georgia.

9.03.2020 | Metronews, Newsletter

Geneva, Switzerland, March 06, 2020 –

Metrolab Technology SA, the global market leader for precision magnetometers, has today announced a distribution agreement with Scientific and Production “Doza”, Ltd. (SPC “Doza”) in Russia, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Georgia.

“At Metrolab, we are delighted to be working with SPC “Doza”, Ltd. as our distributor to ensure that access to precision magnetometers continues to expand in that region. SPC “Doza” has one of the largest network or quality control of medical equipment in that region. Therefore, we look forward to building lasting relationships with customers in that region.” emphasized Dr. Antoine Daridon, Business Development Manager at Metrolab Technology SA.

“We believe that our partnership with Metrolab has excellent prospects. Metrolab products meet the growing demand in the service sector for medical equipment as well as in the industry and academic research centers. Our first action is to certify Metrolab’s instruments as metrology instruments in Russia to comply with Russian regulations.”: said Alexander Martynyuk, Director of Development at SPC “Doza”, Ltd.

About Metrolab Technology SA

Metrolab is the global leader for precision magnetometers. Established in Switzerland in 1985, we have won the trust of all the large physics laboratories and all leading players in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, across the world. With Metrolab, you measure magnetic fields with Swiss precision and quality.

About Scientific and Production Company “Doza”, Ltd.

SPC “Doza” was founded in 1991 as a small-scale state company within the leading metrological institute of the State Committee on Standardization and Metrology (Gosstandart) of the USSR – NPO “VNIIFTRI”. Since 1994 SPC “Doza” is a commercial company. SPC “Doza” is one of the largest developers, manufacturers, and suppliers of the equipment for radiation monitoring in Russia and the CIS countries.


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