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Three-axis Hall Magnetometer Publications

Three-axis Hall Magnetometer Publications

Research and Development using the THM1176 The three-axis Hall Magnetometer THM1176 finds many applications across the world, to map the five gauss line around an MRI, to map magnetic fields around a magnet or inside a magnet. It also serves as a reference for other...
Three-axis Hall Magnetometer Publications

New software release EZMag3D

Download the new THM1176 and TFM1186 software EZMag3D free of charge! We have been working hard on all-new software for the Metrolab Three-axis Magnetometers. We are now making it available to all existing users. EZMag3D at no cost EZMag3D’s modern user interface...
Essentials of MRI Safety

Essentials of MRI Safety

Metrolab Three-axis Hall Magnetometer THM1176 featured in Essentials of MRI Safety by Donald W. McRobbie READ AN EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT ABOUT THE BOOK: DESCRIPTION Essentials of MRI Safety is a comprehensive guide that enables practitioners to recognise and assess safety...