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MFCTool Software 10.3.3 release

MFCTool Software 10.3.3 release

  New release of the MFCTool software 10.3.3!   One unique software interface for both Magnetic Field Cameras   MFC2046 and legacy MFC3045.   MFCTool V10.3.x has  the ability to operate both the most recent generation of Magnetic Field Cameras, the...
Three-axis Hall Magnetometer Publications

Three-axis Hall Magnetometer Publications

Research and Development using the THM1176 The three-axis Hall Magnetometer THM1176 finds many applications across the world, to map the five gauss line around an MRI, to map magnetic fields around a magnet or inside a magnet. It also serves as a reference for other...
MFCTool Software 10.3.3 release

MFCTool Software release

New release of the MFCTool software 10.3.1!   One unique software interface for both Magnetic Field Cameras   MFC2046 and legacy MFC3045.   We are releasing our new software! Obviously, bugs have been fixed, but the most significant feature of this...
Metrolab Webinar with Prof. Guy Aubert Proceedings

Metrolab Webinar with Prof. Guy Aubert

Metrolab virtually hosted Prof. Guy Aubert on October 15th to discuss the use of Spherical Harmonics modeling to describe the magnetic field of a magnet to speed-up the shimming process [1, 2]. we have recorded both morning and afternoon sessions and will share them...