Custom & Private-Label
Metrolab technology is not always sold under the Metrolab label – and we’re proud of it! Our full range of magnetic measurement technologies is available for integration into your products. Our expertise can help you optimise performance and get to market quickly.
From OEM to private-label
Metrolab has years of experience working with third-party manufacturers. At the simplest level, one of our standard products can be integrated into yours. If needed, we are happy to make modifications or even a custom design to better adapt to your needs. In the extreme case, we can produce the entire product, under your label. In all cases, you benefit from Metrolab expertise, quality and flexibility.
Related products
Teslametro NMR di Precisione PT2026
Magnetometri ad effetto NMR
FDI2056 Integratore Rapido Digitale
Misuratore di flusso
The first off-the shelf instrument to quantify magnetic field transients
THM1176 Hall Magnetometer
3-axis Magnetometers
TFM1186 Fluxgate Magnetometer
3-axis Magnetometers
A compact fluxgate magnetometer with outstanding sensitivity
Related technologies
Metrolab is espacially know for their precision NMR teslameters
The Hall effect is the most common method for measuring medium to high fields, for a wide range of applications
Misuratore di flusso
Metrolab has historically been especially known for its integrators, primarily in the accelerator world.
Fluxgate magnetometers evolved during the second World War as a means of detecting submarines