von Antoine Daridon | Jan. 24, 2021 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI
Commercial magnetometers are generally not designed to measure time-varying magnetic fields! View the recorded session.
von Antoine Daridon | Nov. 3, 2020 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI
For an efficient shimming, explore your magnetic field with a Metrolab camera and describe it with spherical harmonics.
von Antoine Daridon | Okt. 1, 2020 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI
For an efficient shimming, explore your magnetic field with a Metrolab camera and describe it with spherical harmonics.
von Antoine Daridon | Feb. 24, 2020 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI
Lionel Quettier, from CEA7IRFU, discusses the development of the large whole-body 11.7 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) magnet, known as ‘Iseult'