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Metrolab Webinar with Prof. Guy Aubert Proceedings

3.11.2020 | Metronews, MFC2046, MRI

 Metrolab virtually hosted Prof. Guy Aubert on October 15th to discuss the use of Spherical Harmonics modeling to describe the magnetic field of a magnet to speed-up the shimming process.

We have recorded both morning and afternoon sessions, here are the presentations as well as Q&A sessions sorted by themes.

Recorded presentation

Introduction by Antoine Daridon from Metrolab and Guy Aubert (8 min 30)
An introduction to Spherical Harmonic Expansion by Guy Aubert (12 min)

Supporting documents

Uniqueness Theory for Laplace Series, Walter Rudin
Laplace’s equation is separable in 13 coordinate systems. Every quantity obeying Laplace’s equation can be expanded in a unique Laplace series, Walter Rudin, Ph.D. Thesis, Duke University, 1949, « Uniqueness Theory for Laplace Series,» Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, Vol. 68, N°2, March 1950, pp. 287-303.
An alternative to Wigner d-matrices for rotating real spherical harmonics, Guy Aubert
An alternative to Wigner d-matrices for rotating real spherical harmonics, Guy Aubert, AIP Advances 3, 062121 (2013)
An introduction to Mapping and Shimming, Guy Aubert
An introduction to Mapping and Shiming Magnets by Prof. Guy Aubert in the appendix of the MFC2046 user manual, p.61-71
Slides presented by Guy Aubert
Slides presented by Guy Aubert
How did the CEA/Irfu developed Iseult; a discussion with Lionel Quettier
How the CEA/Irfu developed Iseult; the gigantic 11.7 T MRI magnet! A discussion with Lionel Quettier.
The homogeneity of Iseult is on good rails, article by CEA/Irfu
The homogeneity of the magnetic field of the Iseult magnet on good rails…
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